

Corona was defeated
#WritcoPoemChallange #CoronaVirus

The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors.

People huddled in their homes,
Bewildered and scared.
Not children, nor thieves,
To venture out, no one dared.

At night, it slipped in,
Laid its icy hands and spread the trauma,
Eventually those who left,
called it Corona.

The panic grew
As the victims slowly increased.
Everyone was somehow affected,
Specially the family of deceased.

But then, came that one day,
the Saviour of all.
Everyone's hopes grew,
And Corona lost its gall.

The Saviour had some rules
It said to follow discipline,
Social distancing was must,
And more important, the hygiene.

Under Saviors guidance,
the Corona vanished.
With new hope and humanity,
the Earth again flourished.
and thus,
Everyone lived,
healthy and happy.

#Corona #gocorona #hopes #beinghopeful #globalcrisis #Saviour #creativewriting #challenge #humanity