

Lonely Heart's Desolate Echo

In solitude's embrace, I stand alone,
No hand to hold, no voice to call my own.
A barren heart, aching in the night,
Seeking refuge from this endless plight.

A whispering wind, a silent plea,
Echoes in the void, but no one hears me.
No shelter found in this desolate space,
Loneliness engulfs, a tear-stained face.

The stars above, indifferent and cold,
Witness my struggle, my story untold.
No soul to share the burdens I bear,
Lost in the shadows, consumed by despair.

Oh, the ache of a heart that's adrift,
Yearning for connection, a life's precious gift.
Alone I wander, a ship without shore,
Loneliness my companion forevermore.