

Life of flesh is in me as foretold by the scripture in Leviticus 17:11.

My being, is the reason to deliver necessary substances such as nutrients, and oxygen to various cells in the body, and transport metabolic waste products away from these cells.

My identity is composed of cells suspended in Plasma; the liquid part of me made of water, salt and protein; and the red cells, white cells and platelets are my solid parts.

My very importance, no one can deny, as the anemic, sickler and those with hemophilia come running to me, to sustain their lives.

Many have used me in rituals, a thing I do not condone; I have been spilled in carnages, a pain I cannot express.

I bleed all red, a true race for all; that truth, the extremists can't say.

I tranfuse across colors, with same types I fit all. I give life to all, as I fulfil the scripture in Proverbs 4:23, showing how the heart should be kept with diligence, for it pumps me through out the body, keeping the body alive!
© Geoffrey K