

Children are little but powerful creatures, never underestimate their existence!
_Children_ are like the precious stones, it doesn't matter whether they are Diamond, Ruby, Emerald or Opal, all are precious to God.
_Children_ are those little but powerful creatures that have the capacity to metamorphos your raw name into processed and packaged names.
_Children_ made their parents to steal the stars in the sky and place them in their eyes, that's why they are always special and so precious.
These little giants are seeds in the hands of God. You plant them in the soil of the womb and they germinate gradually, and they become ripe on the 9⃣month of conception.
Because humans cannot last forever,
God was looking for somewhere to encapsulate human strength, power, intelligence, and other genetic traits, God figured out _children_ to store those traits for them, that's why their existence are so precious. When you see a child, you're actually seeing a duplicate of his parent's strength.
Happy_Children's day to every children across the globe👶

©️ *Adefemi Olajide*