

A street Wind

The descriptive of Cena has gone away,
Where she thought "I will win",
The credit card still unfold behind the bar,
And here she said "Not now my friend",

The drunken sailor had seen the moon,
A wild blue moon boar upright the sky,
Here he wrotes ,"dear year, you thought me alot",
And he realized there's a waves had form at the north,

At the end of December the sailor had changed,
To be a person who are represented himself again,
As a servants of The Almighty,
He realised all his stuff need to be arranged,
In order to put himself in a more new good person,

Now the street wind had increase his temperature,
The cold wind remind himself of the deep sea,
Where he had fallen into it but manage to stand up and alive,
Until the day "he think of the December end",
He knows The Almighty had given him a second chance in life,
