

Her welcome at Grave
She peeked through blinds that were tightly drawn,
Morning misted with a breaking dawn,
She drifted silently over the field of battle,
With polished armour, shining bright.

What shall it be, victory or defeat
Life or her last labored breath.
She shuns the brilliance of another day,
Enslaved and entombed, and stay hidden away.

Anxiety chokes like a poisonous snake,
Self-hatred grows like a sickness.
Today shall she live or die,
Survive or expire, eternity is nigh,

Gloomy and dark, the sky begins to rumble,
Only the cold winds sways,
Letters etched on the steel entrance,
With a hidden phrase.

She roughly pushes the steel and open outwards,
To announce her welcome,
The echoes of the past haunts her dearly.
The feeling of guilt creeps up.

People arise, look at her with questions
As she digs her soul and uncover all the truths,
A heavy weight lifted of her shoulders,
And she is dead.
© LoneWolf