

Endless pain
Endless pain always haunts me through this nightmare that is reality and it sucks cause I thought I had a purpose when in all actuality my purpose is to die and that's just me speaking factually
I've cut my wrist plenty of times thinking i could forget this endless pain of mine that runs rapidly through my mind, hearing these voices that constantly tell me that I'm better off dead all the time
I ball up in a corner but i can never cry, no matter how hard I try I've never been a mourner, probably why my life has never had any order
I wish I could jump across the border and be normal again instead of witnessing this endless pain of mine, it's been years and I'm tired of trying, its killing me, i know I'm slowly dying
Ask me if I'm ok and I'll tell you I'm fine and you'll never know I'm lying because of this endless pain of mine that i never show
Nobody will ever know, understand or even care so why take these thoughts and voices of mine out to share when everyone will laugh at my pain
Fuck the world, fuck a God, neither have ever gave a damn about me and it didnt take me long to see that six feet under is where I'm meant to be
The warm, wooden casket, hugging me tight so i cant escape, it's such a wonderful bliss knowing that I'll never be missed
That's why I'll take my endless pain, hold it in until I cant more
Load my gun and smile because my life is finally done
Endless pain

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