

broken vows
In silence where the promised once lived,
A marriage crumbled, hearts deceived,
Love's tender whispers turned to cries,
As hopes and dreams met their demise.

Hand in hand, they started strong,
With laughter, dreams, where they belong,
But time and trials, they took their toll,
And cracks appeared within their soul.

Words once sweet turned sharp as knives,
Lost in anger, shattered lives,
Each day a struggle, each night a tear,
As love faded, replaced by fear.

Lonely echoes filled the space,
Where once they shared a warm embrace,
The vows they made, now haunting lies,
As they faced the truth with tear-filled eyes.

A love that once burned bright and true,
Now ashes scattered, dreams askew,
In separate worlds, they now reside,
A failed marriage, pain deep inside.

But through the hurt, a glimmer may,
Illuminate a different way,
To heal, to grow, to find release,
And from heartbreak, discover peace...
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