

Ode to Sade
Songwriter: Sade
Song: Solider of love

There is a song that goes ........
"I am a solider of love....every day and night.
I am a solider of love all the days of my life"
As I was just a young adult when I heard these words
That sends a echo and harmony to my ears sending a tune into my steps ....
Then and Still now

Fo it is the true essence of womanhood she captures so miraculously
What it means to be a woman......, a man in this world ........
Not just as a person but......
To be human in this world .....living and fighting the good fight
To be conquered by life ....A defeated heart of things which holds so dear.
On the frontline of battlefield in the eye of the storm
To keep faith and a humble knee.

And so I see
An angel in the desert storm......A messenge of hope she sings....For a messenger of hope she is

" I am lost...But I don't doubt
So I ride
I have a will to survive"

For she is
I am
For, We all should be........"A solider of love all the days of our lives.