

Knock, knock, knock
pant, pant, pant
Hey, are you home
are you awake
please let me in!
my demons got loose again
It's honestly too scary on the porch tonight
shaking with sweat and out of breath
I've been running for the past two hours
heart threatening to override my commands
I want to live and it wants to panic
swelling with tears and frustration
yet I can't scream too loud
then I'll have the neighbors chase me away with pitch forks and torches
an angry mob to ensue
Ok, this isn't working
so time for my facade to come unglued
I had a nightmare again
as thugs pointing guns threatened to take my life again
yet even in dreams it was to wake up and set someone free
so if I go back to sleep
they'll be dead and I'd be running again
feeling bullet after bullet
shred through my comatose skin
Why can't I just sleep
I ask for fish in my brain
gentle rivers and streams
instead I get angry bears on my chest
making it hard to breathe
I ask for dreamless nights
yet I'm running through the night
from fright
saving my own life
bolting awake because I can't get away
Why finish the dreams when I know how they end
This is raw and absurd
it's one in the morning
and I'm clearly disturbed
I'll get away from your doorstep now
I feel silly now
a small child afraid of his head
just please mom
don't send me back to bed
© Crowthepoet