

I wasn’t alive when I arrived,
somewhere down the line
I died inside,
you wonder why I’m gloomy,
it’s the same ol 5th
you wanting a new me,
prosperity purposely excludes me,
I’m fuming, hatred blooming
I know what I’m doing,
kicking my feet
during these mood swings,
I lost myself
but won’t show defeat,
sick to my stomach
like I’m Toby Keith,
depression slowly creeps,
got a page from heaven
but couldn’t hear the beep,
the fall was steep,
covered in debris,
on a no one pays attention to me
writing spree,
it’s been that kind of week
going on a violent streak
ignoring calls from my shrink
mind pipes sprung a leak,
I use to do things
based on principle,
it doesn’t matter what I do
I’m still invisible.

5th Day.

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