

Question Death
In realms of thorny knowledge, forbidding and dark,
Lies an enigma profound, a question so stark.
Death, the eternal abyss, wants us to explore,
The afterlife's secrets that haunt us at the core.

Question the First, through winding maze it leads,
Tugs at our consciousness, begs us to take heed.
Where do we wander when our senses depart,
When life's fragile vessel is breached at its heart?

A myriad of theories floods intellectual plains,
Engulfing our minds, like relentless ocean waves.
Some claim an endless slumber, dreamless repose,
While others, ethereal realms, where the soul transcends and grows.

Shall we embrace oblivion's cruel embrace,
A void, stark and barren, devoid of all trace?
Or shall we embark on a cosmic journey alone,
Seeking truth and solace in realms yet unknown?

Each possibility beckons with equal allure,
Yet eludes our grasp, staying forever obscure.
Perchance, dear reader, you've pondered before,
The answer to this riddle that none can ignore.

Question the Second, even more labyrinthine,
Plunges into depths where meaning intertwines.
Do we retain consciousness when body turns cold,
Or does it dissolve, like smoke, into the untold?

Perceptions and notions clash, sharp as a blade,
As scholars descend into the cognitive cascade.
An immortal spirit, eternally aware,
Or fragments dissolving, leaving naught but despair?

Some antique philosophies posit reincarnation,
Where souls thread existence, in endless rotation.
Others mull over echoes, echoes of our mind,
Severed from the flesh, yet no less refined.

Lost in gloaming twilight, where paths intertwine,
We fear our fragile thoughts shall fade, confined.
Pondering existence beyond mortality's door,
We pine for answers, yearning for something more.

Question the Third, an enigma greater still,
Asks if there's solace for the void that death instills.
Is there solace, a respite, after life's final breath,
Or does grim darkness curse us with unending death?

Opinions diverge, traversal of desperate pleas,
Where hope and despair wrestle 'neath the moon's cold breeze.
Some postulate sanctums, realms of Elysium's grace,
Where souls find redemption or eternal embrace.

Others, staunch pragmatists, scoff at such whimsies,
Bowing to verities, to fate's somber decrees.
Infinite sleep, they argue, is the end and the start,
A desolate existence, devoid of all heart.

Oh, dear reader, be wary on this perilous journey,
Seeking answers to questions veiled in mystery.
Though complexity may charm us, like the quill dipped in ink,
The quest for truth eludes us, leaving us on the brink.

And so, dear soul, we venture on, relentless and keen,
Exploring the afterlife through the poet's serene.
But answers may elude us, slipped forever from our sight,
Leaving us enraptured by death's eternal night.
© NightSwimThePoet