

Oh dear friend!
Oh dear, We were good friends but-
You decided to leave!
And left my heart in grief.
Something happened in the past was not right for us,
And gradually it shifted my focus.
I'm sorry it was all my fault.
I compeled you to leave through a huge revolt.
The year you left was painful for me!
And may be you don't know what i have been through.
Suddenly, After a year you wanted to came back-
But my focus was changed-
Somewhere else I was engaged.
Your sweet feather was hurting me,
You acted like nothing was ever happened with me.
I was keep Hurting you with my plans.
Never really knew you were the sweetest barn.
Oh dear friend, it was all me-
acted through all my bad dreams,
pretended like you have hurted me!
And yes you did.
Painful-Painful trap it was.
Blowing-blowing mind of us.
Now everything has changed.
I can keep a promise if you allow-
I'll never hurt you with my voice and will never put you down.
Oh dear, We are still good friends-
But You've shut your heart down-
And i promise one day I'll make it jump loud..!!

© Saundarya Tripathi