

Accepting Loneliness
In a world where laughter shone so bright,
Lived a man with a heart of light.
Always smiling, his spirit soared,
A beacon of warmth, deeply adored.

He loved the light, he loved the cheer,
His presence made shadows disappear.
With a heart that sacrificed for the rest,
He fought for others, gave his best.

Running high on joyful ground,
Dancing freely, smiles unbound.
But into a forest of loneliness he strayed,
Where memories lingered, shadows played.

He looked around, searching for gleam,
A familiar place from a haunting dream.
Years ago, he had survived its hold,
Emerging stronger, brave, and bold.

A voice echoed, deep and stark,
"Stop smiling, for this is dark.
You’re here to make others happy, not you,"
And took his brighter side far away,
Left him silent and alone, deep inside.

In that moment, truth unfurled,
He realized his place in the world.
Though the loneliness whispered, beckoned him back,
He knew he must stay on this chosen track.

For he belonged where solitude lay,
His light would guide another's day.
And though he would not return, it’s true,
His heart shone on, with a love that grew.
© Jalal Khan