

You try to be happy
And it has never been made easy for you
Fighting with loneliness for years
Fighting with depression for years
Your soul has never been so dark
I clocked 7 and everything changed
It has been a battle with depression everyday of my life
It has been a battle with thoughts like I don't want this life anymore

I clocked 13
It got worse
So much anger but this time I learnt how to smile and embrace my tears from within
A smile I practiced so well you won't know I just received bruises
You won't know I just heard words that made me question my existencel
That made me embrace the thought of being weak
I could never be good enough for them
Princess by name
Slave to life by fate

I clocked 16
And I'm slowly losing myself
I don't know who I am anymore
Prayed to God once and told him to take me when I'm asleep
I was too weak to do it myself
But He said No and didn't make things better
Left me here to fate
What's your plan ?
I'm not sure this is love anymore
They hurt me and say it is love
Love is now a trigger word
I can't look at my mother anymore
Broken relationships
So much anger
So much darkness
A life I didn't ask for
Slowly getting tired of blurry nights
Blurry nights turned to mental breakdown at my school gate
Blurry nights turned to me running away from the thought of home