

Her mind clouds of chaos
Her mind clouds of chaos,
Heart violently thumping,
Vision blurry,
Not hearing a word what others tell her
Hands tingle,
Everything going round and round in circles,
Thoughts, questions, answers bombard her head
People probably thinking
Whats wrong with her?
Why is she always upset?
There is always something going on with her.
Why doesnt she seek help?
But what can she do?
She wants to be happy,
But she thinks and feels things that make her sad.
She doesnt like herself,
Yet she loves who she is.
She says she doesnt care,
But she really does.
She craves attention,
But she rejects everything that comes in her way,
Only because she does not want to go through that pain again,
Even if that means pushing those away who love and care for her the most.

~ M

© mia1100