

Nature's Fall

Rising oceans,
A warming globe,
Savage storms,
A warning foretold...
All of the rivers,
streams and seas,
Dries up so fast,
as heat increase.
As for the ice,
in North and South,
Breaking up and
Melts without doubt.
As for the forests,
in the tropics,
Dying slowly,
As for the thousands,
of its inhabitants,
Feel the risks,
and dangers alike.

As for the cause,
of all of these.
Living their life,
Do as they please.
Not even minding,
the place they live,
That starts to wither,
with no even care.
And once a disaster
begins to fall,
All hopes will cease,
With no one to call.
For they exhaust,
the helping hand,
in times like these.
Our motherland.

© rei
