

Waterfall Tears
“How are you?”

A blank gaze plagues my expression
I’ve mastered it in the face of battle
An internal war brews and spirals
Into a harmonious chaos that enchants me
It is all I can hear - my siren song
Pulling me into the deep end of the void
The void is warm, cold, wet and dry
So I sit in silence blank faced and wide eyed
The melody comforts me in its cage
The chaos numbs my senses
Maladaptive daydreams become my sanctuary , my escape
The cracks in the dam wall start to show
I cover them with bandaid clouds of smoke
A green plant to keep me afloat
It shields me from the reality I fear
Keeping the dam wall intact
Receding these waterfall tears
If I don’t feel
Then it’s not real

“I’m fine”
© Melodious