

Let him grab your hands(mental disorders)
His soul was trapped in a room.
It was dark ,
He was scared all alone there,
He couldn't find a way to get out of it ,
He was blind without being able to see the light.
Couldn't remember
How he ended up there .
Was the darkness his pain?
Was the loneliness his burdened?
Was there any reason for his pain ?
If he could only find a reason ...and answer...
Yet he cried as he couldn't find a wall to lean on ..
What if they mock at him when he opened up to them?
What if they laughed at him ?
What if they say he was being dramatic?
That scares pressurised him to death..
But do he just stay there without being able to get out of it ?
Bear the pain, being scared and hiding there
Or end the pain by giving up his life
All he need is a little hope, comfort and encouragement..
Does he not deserve today to live ?
He wouldn't have want to end his life without being able to see tomorrow and the future
Because he only live once ....

Remember to save one life with your words...is just worth living .
then do discouraged someone without knowing what he/she has gone through ... its much more worth giving him/her a little hope today ...by doing that you'll gain to smile a little more tomorrow ...

© verinmiwashi