

Homegrown Positivity
One with the all there ever was and will be. Offering my uniquely seasoned perspective to the collective, collectively. Contrasting, stretching, beyond broken I focused on breath, living and letting go on a roll now-not afraid to hold…still……..
To know and to wonder is a powerful way to migrate your physical and mental state. Quick grab full hold of highest elation. Your viewpoint is sufficient reason to allow yourself to immediately ascend one with zenith. Life mission is sentient all in itself. Stillness encapsulates the eternal bliss within each particle’s mist. Hearing bells ringing etheric, harmonic synergy reaching way down into me. Feeling pure freedom, liberating energy using homegrown positivity. Being chameleon and fluid; carrying lightly to allow dream manifestation’s vibrations to land tight.. Future is now. Don’t burden yourself with the how rather rise and let the wow lead; going with it, proud to be.
© QuantumCDub