

A pirate loops and gets down with a sword,

His crew freed with treasure from his ward,

The earthen shackles broken and forgotten as bygones,

Captivity and slavery now a foreign name in their synagogues,

A villain shrieks out of the metallic confines of bars,

Passing through a blotch in a hardened star,

His visage once again free to roam the world,

To cause an eternal night on the chess board,

An avatar limps away with jagged scratches,

Scarred by bloody red mistakes,

A starry light draws through a tiny fault,

Opening up to something more than blood,

A girl looms between great wars of her mind,

Caught between the great lies of the sides,

She shudders, pulling through a tiny portal,

Beyond which lies a peace for all,

An expression that lies in sync with our tune,

A melody that we all want to play with our flute,

A word that simmers with stirs of peace,

A sentence that belies a calm mist,

An archway that opens up to newer horizons,

An uncharted plain that awakes  greater morrows,

A movement that lays the very foundation of happiness,

A cruise ship that calls to all that await the joy ride of gladness,

A beauty that differs in the eye of the beholder,

A claim that beats to the heart of the player.

I want to thank God for giving me the Grace to write this. So, how was it?

© No works of mine should be published without my permission