

God of death
He sits on a weird vehicle

It doesn't seem to be a sportsbike or cycle

But diamonds are used to decorate it

Jems are fixed to highlight it

The vehicle moves slowly

The sweetness of breeze is whispering evidently

He touches the clouds with a smile

An eagle follows him for a mile

It gets down on the earth

He searches the person who has a last breath

It is a large street that he has ever seen

To him, it is a spectacular scene

Children are playing

Pet animals are realising his arrival

He acrosses the house one by one

Eventually, he finds that old man

He sleeps on an old cot peacefully

He can't drink even water cordially

The god of death cries

Because the old man shows an empty pot

Only the air comes from his mouth

He has a blurry vision but analyzing the directions of North and South

He doesn't take out of his soul until he smiles

He smiles without caring about such horrible events

He has gotten his soul

He flies towards his kingdom....
© Tamizhan Manikandan