

Even Earth Cries
Don't cry I was told,I was just a 6 year old
Don't Scream I was told,I would spank you if you do.
Don't feel I was told,pain is a normal part of life.

Don't cry I am told,your now a woman
Don't Scream I am told, it's not lady-like,well it up inside.
Don't feel I am told, just push it aside, it's a normal part of life.

Don't show your wrinkles,braid your hair, and walk tall,I am told.
Don't Scream your pain, don't show your anger,I am told.
Don't Feel the hurt, you brought it on yourself.

So I stood tall,I am brave
But I slowly turned to stone.

So I smiled in the face of pain
But my heart lost its beat.

So I kept silence in the face of stress
But my face lost its glow.

So I slowly aged without adding age
But they say it's just life.

But Earth,also cry I finally said, for days drizzling and down pouring tears

But Earth also screams I finally said,quaking and shaking trees

But Earth also feels I finally said, lightening then thunderstorm.

Crying wets up little space
But depression eats the heart away

Once I cried,my heart did melt
It came to life again

Once I cried,my wrinkles left
My face it glowed again.

Once I cried,I forgot pain
The rainbow came and shone on me.
#Even Earth cries