

I Can't post you on public
I love you, I care about you
I can't lose you
babe you are unique I like the way you are.
but am sorry I can't post your pictures on public
you know I have them in my phone,PC
You are on my wall paper
but I can't put you on public

I know you have many questions
you thought I have someone behind you that am scared to post you
but that's not the issue
yes! am scared but thats not what I am scared of.

its been a long time we date
many things happened
if there is something that I can't stand watching happening its to see you going for another guy

like a precious stone I keep you
indeed like the owner of diamond, gold that's the way I feel when you call me sweet
oo oh! I can't lose you
understand babe there is no man who put their diamond on public
they can't because they know
that thieves will steal

I don't want to put you in trials
I know you can pass
but I can't
I love you