

"A Life Lived in Love"
Once, there was a man who lived alone
In a small, cramped apartment of his own
He worked long hours, day and night
For just enough money to survive

But one day, he met a woman so fine
She was the love of his life, all divine
They got married, and soon had a child
A beautiful little girl, so wild

As the years went by, they grew old
Their love never grew cold
The man retired, and they moved to a house
In the countryside, where they could roam free as a mouse

They spent their days gardening and playing with their grandkids
Life was full of joy, no more stress or fits
But eventually, their time on earth did come to an end
The man and his wife, together until the very end

But their legacy lived on, through their daughter and her children too
Their love, a beacon that shone bright and true
And as the years passed, the man was remembered with love
For all the joy he brought, from up above
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