


He, that I cannot see
He, that I cannot hear
He, that I cannot touch
He, that I love so much

Even though I cannot see Him
'Coz He is Holy and I am full of sin
I know that He is always beside me
Holding my hands, always guiding me

I know that I can't hear His voice
He will not shout on me, unlike the other boys
But I know He will speak to me
I will listen, but I know it's not literally

I don't know if He has a soft skin
'Coz sadly, I cannot touch Him
I can't hug Him like my pillows every night
But I can feel how the way He hug me so tight.

Even I cannot see Him
Cannot hear His voice and touch Him
I will not let Him go
'Coz without Him my life will never flow

I don't know what to do
If I will lost Him too
He, that I love so much
Gave His life for me, and I was touched

Everything that He did for me
Was enough to gave back my life to Him
It was enough to love Him to the infinity
Though I know for His love I am not worthy

But I will try my best
Even in my life I face many kind of test
I will prove when I say 'I love You Dad'
'Coz Your love, there's no other love than that.
© nyrle