

The deep eye look
I look deep into eyes
to try and see love
but all I see is pain
Why not let me help?

U wont let me in
or let me go
I cant stay in ur pain
u must let me in

As i try to enter ur world
u just push hard
to keep me out
Why wont u trust me?

As I look deep in ur eyes
all I see ur anger!!
I cant deal with ur anger
its just too much

It shows u dont care enough for me
Why do I care so much?
My heart aches for u

Your past has bad
but your future could
be great
but u just dont care

As I look deep in ur eyes
I never see love
Which shows me
U dont care at all.

As much I want to stay
I just must walk away
as the pain is great here
Your love is not for me.