

Who we are and who we must be
I do not know who I am
I do not know who I must be
Is it not odd that I am told by others I should know already?
When we all know
No one truly knows who they are
Oh to know who we are
We all act as if we have a slight idea that we do
We walk around so blindly and so foolish
Some are lucky and some are so rare to truly know who they are and must be
We are then filled with envy and confusion
Wondering why we can't be like those who know
Wondering if something is wrong with us
Knowing who you are and must be is such a gift
Such a prize
Feeling as if our blindfold has finally been lifted
Feeling as if the clouds let the sun's rays shine through to clear your gaze
Oh to know who we are
Would it be easier for us?
Or would we not like who we must be?
Is that the reason why we don't search for it?
Do we enjoy pretending and putting a costume on everyday?
Do we secretly enjoy not living up to who we really are or must be?
Maybe some do
Maybe some don't
Which one are you?

© ☆J.J Jammer