

Her ''Reflection"
Walking pass the mirror,
with a little glance at herself
showing a cast back of her reflection
looking so disheveled and drained of happiness.

Her head was filled with sucidial thoughts .
life had taken a harsh turn on her,
all hopes were lost,people made a mimicry of her.
Everyday was like hell on earth for her.

Nobody to run to,nobody to console and support her,
nobody to hear her cry,nobody to stand for her.
She was used as an object of ridicule
people never hesitated to throw shades at her.

The first glance at the mirror was a cast back of ''Pain".
The second, was a cast back of ''Depression".
and the third was a cast back of an image of a "Living Dead"

Tears dropped down her cheeks slowly
her eyes reflected bitterness and sadness,looking so dreary and sombre.
dark circles crept underneath her eyes

Her head was slightly bent to the left,
her lips were still as they made no movement .
she rolled her eyes up as she was drained of happiness.

The ability to laugh and smile were forgotten
then,slowly,she turned around and left....

''Just a little glance at herself was a REFLECTION of her pain".

@Zinny_quotes & poetry

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