

A Heart's Lament
In the depths of my heart, a yearning grows,
A love unspoken, yet my soul surely knows.
For you, my dear, I hold deep affection,
But words elude me, trapped in silent reflection.

As the weekend dawns, my spirit feels a void,
Aching for your presence, my emotions deployed.
Thoughts of you, like whispers, softly tease,
Filling the empty spaces, putting my heart at ease.

In those precious moments, our eyes connect,
An unspoken language, emotions intersect.
Yet fear binds my tongue, and I remain quiet,
Afraid that my confession will cause a rift.

But know, dear one, as the days unwind,
It is your absence that etches deep in my mind.
Your smile, your laughter, the warmth you share,
Are treasures I hold, a love beyond compare.

The weekend's embrace feels cold and stark,
No glimpse of your radiance, my world turns dark.
My longing grows stronger with each passing hour,
Yearning to hold you, to feel love's power.

Though I cannot find the words to convey,
The depth of emotions that guide me today,
Know that you are missed, beyond what I can say,
And my heart will wait until that fateful Monday.

For in your presence, my spirit finds its light,
A beacon of hope, igniting love's gentle might.
Until that day arrives, my feelings concealed,
May destiny's hand reveal what's been concealed.

So, as the weekend weaves its wistful song,
Know that in my heart, you truly belong.
I'll cherish the moments, both near and far,
For within this longing, you are my shining star.

© Imaginoid