

Footsteps of My Father
I follow in the footsteps of my father,
A man of honor, wisdom, and grace,
His legacy, a lasting reminder,
Of love, kindness, and faith.

With every step, I hear his voice,
Echoes of his wisdom and his choice,
He taught me to be brave and bold,
To never give up, no matter how old.

As a child, I watched him work,
Tirelessly, his hands never stopped their murk,
I saw his sweat and his toil,
But I also saw his joy and his smile.

His love, a well that never ran dry,
A beacon that had the power to pacify,
A light that shone in the darkest of nights,
A comfort for all, a place of respite.

He walked through life with patience and care,
Taught me how to love and how to share,
I saw his struggles, but also his might,
I saw him stand and never give up the fight.

Now I stand, in his footsteps so bold,
With a heart that's strong, and a spirit so old,
I carry his memories in my heart,
His love and his wisdom from the start.

He is gone, but his voice is still clear,
His life is a testimony, a story I'll always revere,
And as I walk through life, every day,
I know he walks with me, all the way.

For the footsteps of my father,
Are etched in my heart forever and ever,
I carry his love, his spirit, and his grace,
As I walk in the world, in his perfect embrace.

© Patidee