


Moonless nights, July nights,
Few stars don the night sky,
darkness perfumed;
The faint gusts of blossoming lime
breathe the silence.

The sea still
Mute like a sleeping lion ,winking though;
beneath the green vine
A cricket harps ,
Its thin shrill kills this apathy.

Far away a train slithers by,
A caress to the warm living body of the night.
She longs and she waits,
She turns around to catch his trail .

A soft harmony,
I pen this lyrical nonsense,
dreaming my hours, near the southern sea.
All the loveliness surge within my eyes,
as I stand in this liquid light.

I speculate these troubled times,
Each house drills with shouts and moans
I see my wandering heart
Clinging to their windows and flapping on the curtains light.

I draw designs ,
Joining each star forming a wondrous constellation ,
To guide my spirits sore,
Upon the soulmate, I call
Join my journey, in an outlined pattern.

NG.2021🍁Regrets and photographs,
Empty pockets and lockets,
© Lizbeth