

Striking once, the dominoes began to fall. Adding on seems unnecessary, but that's the standard view of the vulnerable. An elaborate trap to the untrained eye has been set, but the simplexity involved is the rewarding part for the trapper working the net. Each step now isn't about directionality, as it pertains to moving along. Even the creaking floor is a tell of how close the approach is of the expected fall. To overcome the situation is not clearly forming in thought, but to succumb is a disappointing non action fueling the hunt. Predicament. Apparently fucked. Time is wasting, but this should credit the benefit of doubt to defeat if the clock ticks a little more slowly. Defeat has not been assigned at this point to anyone to which it will be get. Is the concern now the trap, or technical definitions of the surrounding chatter coming from the hindsight of unintelligible naysayers? This the boring part of exile for the audience, I'd say. Betting on the prey won't sit well behind an empty dinner plate. Hunger demands a payment. To help exploit, a reframing of the parameters is a card often played. But knowledge under the guise of assumption can negate everything. It doesn't matter what you know if you can't use it prosecutorially. The trap may well consume the trapper if the trappee doesn't act accordingly. And the trappee does not act, does not know as little as it seems. Sometimes the things one learns in youth carry to old age. Check.
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