

Invisible yet real!

Can you see the wind that blows?
Or feel the fragrance of a rose?
The chill that seeps into your bones?
Or the heat that makes you moan?

Can you touch emotions raw?
Or measure the depth of a heart's flaw?
Love, anger, joy and sorrow,
Are they part of today and tomorrow?

What about our thoughts so vast,
That guide us through each day so fast?
Do you ever wonder if they're real,
Or just a part of how we feel?

And what of thoughts that guide us true,
Can we see them like the morning dew?
Beliefs, ideas, and memories deep,
Do they exist or are they just a leap?

Invisible but oh so real,
These things we cannot see or feel,
Yet we know they're present all around,
A part of life that can be found.

© davence_hackwell
#davence #WritcoQuote #writco #writcoapp #poem #Love&love #Love&love💞 #lifestyle #nature #inspirational