

The story of a once innocent girl.
A girl who would have rather been left alone,
She wasn't what you'll call nice,
A nonchalant girl,
A girl who never had a chance to know what love outside family felt like.
A girl who thought the only love to feel was mum's and dad's

That girl never understood romance,
Never understood the little things,
She enjoyed her company,
Coz that was the only company she had ever known.

Then came a man, who without a doubt loved her.
The purest love anyone could give,
Love like a scintillating star.
This didn't seem to have bothered her,
She didn't seem to have understood.

Why she got entangled,
She could never tell,
Why she kept on going was a mystery to her.
But she did.

Now the love she never knew,
She had to give,
The little things she never cared about,
She had to do.
Romance, lol!
The hardest.

An innocent girl,
Never touched.
Her lips, never bussed,
Her legs, never spread,
She was what you'd call, naive
Not until...

Until she thought she was ready to become a woman.
And she did it, she became a woman.
Not a virtuous one.
Skin now touched,
Lips aggressively bussed,
Legs, widely spread,
A professional gymnast got nothing on her.

Romance wasn't her thing,
Neither did she understand the concept of love.
He who brought the purest love was badly bruised.
He never knew what he was getting into,
His emotions were a rollercoaster,
But he stayed,
He was tagged a fool but still stayed.

The love he had sought from Miss innocent,
He couldn't find,
The affection he hoped she'd give,
He saw in another man's bed.
At the time, he was only a pawn.
He was never the player,
He was the game.

© debbieOthompson
#nigerianwriter #girl