

Three idiots
I like to be alone, I don't like to be with anyone. I am used to being alone, Suddenly two idiots came into my life. They have changed me completely throughout my life. I never invited two idiots to come in for the rest of my life.

But I don't know when, where, how and why they came.The Two idiots introduced me to a new world. Two idiots gifted me a book full of beautiful memories, Each page is filled with a beautifully colored memory that touches the heart.

The two idiots have filled my life with new colors into my lonely dark life, The Two idiots have colored my entire life.
Two idiots gave me joy and courage, Two idiots have tied me with their fingers so much that they will not let me go. I became a idiot along with them.

The three of us are inseparably united. quarrels, misunderstandings and such cannot separate us. But I will never give up on them both, being my dear lovable idiots. I like being with them. I love you two idiots.
#friendship #idiots #Love&love
@bubbly @MALL1915

© divisaripilli💞