

To Listen
A small word.
Big meaning.
Someting that could mean a lot to someone.
Just to let them know that you are here for them,
Understand that they are not alone,
And to actually have the patience to listen.
As they pour their heart out to you,
Their fears, their worries, their thoughts.
As they open up to you,
Confide in you.
But who am I kidding?
No one wants to listen.
The moment you let your guard down,
They come attacking you,
Stabbing your heart,
Shattering it into pieces.
Do you know how it feels?
To get stomped at your most vulnerable point,
Made to being forced back to those people who do not care about you,
Making you question youself why the hell did I trust this person in the first place.
Making you feel like your candle is hope is blown out,
And there are no options.
Making you feel cornered.
Making you feel like you might as well sacrifice.
But why should she sacrifice herself for those who have caused her pain?
Why should she let those people win?
And why should they win?
To acknowledge and understand that we are all puppets on a string,
Controlled by hiearchy,
Damcing to their tunes,
Shaping us into somebody we do not want to be.
For which no one wants to take responsiblity,
Only to pass on the baton to someone else,
Then to someone else.
Over and over again.
Its time to snap the string,
The string for which cannot be handled anymore.
Apologise they demand her,
For which she would look them in the eye and tell them,
Why should I apologise for being the monster when nobody apologised for making me this way.
All what she wanted was for someone who she could trust to be patient and listen to her,
Is that so hard to ask for?

~ M

© mia1100