

Come Rescue Me
My mom was climbing the corporate ladder.
She was always working and never around.
My dad ran out on us many years ago.
He got lost, and didn’t want to be found.
We were always moving around a lot.
New schools caused me lots of strife.
I couldn’t feel at home, couldn’t put down roots.
Friends would come and go from my life.
There was a new girl at my work.
She seemed as nice as she could be.
I felt I could open up to her.
I started telling her all about me.
I told her no one ever had my back.
I never felt like I belonged anywhere I went.
She said she knew One who could help me.
Someone who was actually heaven sent.
She began telling me of a Man named Jesus,
saying things I had never heard before.
She said the Man had given His life for us
and had succeeded in opening heaven’s door.
She told me to just open up to the Lord.
I replied that I wouldn’t know how.
She said I should talk to Him as a friend.
And that the time to start was now.
So I started to pour out my heart to Him
as on my knees by my bed I knelt.
I told Him how unhappy I was
and how alone I had always felt.
Please, Lord, if You can hear me.
If You are really even there…
I just need to feel Your gentle touch.
I’d like to know if You really care.
Are You who You say You are,
and not simply some insincere romancer?
Are You someone who will care about me?
For me, will You have the answer?
I haven’t had a father for so long.
Could You be my Father from heaven above?
I desperately want it to be true.
For once in my life, I just need to feel love.
Father, I think I need You in my life.
Maybe You can keep me from falling apart.
I want to give this new life thing a try.
So I’m inviting You to come into my heart.
Lord, I feel a sweet sense of peace.
I feel like I’m finally in a good place.
I think You have come and rescued me.
I sense I’ve been wrapped in my Father’s embrace.