

Silence the silent killer

How many souls have you broken?
How many emotional scars have you made permanent on our children and women?
How many homes are you going to visit?
How many people are getting killed by their partners when you always busy looking for your next victim?

How many people are you going to leave internal pain inside their bodies?
Are you not satisfied with these painful stories that lurks around our families of abuse?
Why do you act like a God who does things whenever you choose?
Who created you with so much power for you to abuse?

Why do you kill many people today?
How many people have you led to their graves?
How many people are still under your slave chains?
Why do you always as attack people in the shadows?
People are hurt cos the pain you coursed them hurts like a sting of an arrow

How long do we have to bow down to you?
How long do we need to keep quiet when we know the truth?
How long are you gonna make us suffer in silence?
How can you kill in silence while your stories revolves around violence?
I guess your answer is that you can't man up and challenge us


The Autocrat👑