

I don't want to be Born!
Myself, a germ who's pending
In her womb to be born over
billions of years.
I desire every time if
it's my turn to be out;
To see the towering peaks,
the amaranthine greens;
The blushing blooms
with the buzzing bees,
And the glaciers that cleanses
the rosy cheeks!
But She wanted me to be
with her for more long;
whilst I wanted to travel
the sheer Globe atleast for
once and finally endorsed
an alternative plan of mine.
Her chantings made me toppled
Into a dormant sleep where
I could see the every inch of Earth;
Outside her womb in a prolix dream!
I have witnessed those four Seasons,
She gifted you with all her heart.
O Spring! you are too ravishing
with these bloomed Crocus, Tulips
and the Lilies of the Valley.
O Summer! your Sunshine is robust
as the Invincible King of Bactria.
The Autum when the maple is red
And the winter's snow flakes are all
I have been via all these five eras:
The Prehistorical, Classical , Middle ages, Early Modern and Modern;
It's civilizations cum technological
achievements and all those historical
That at glance seems all great!
And I apaced my voyage aiming
the hastily flying Modern bound
I saw prodigious skyscrapers and edifices erected upon my mom's
ribcage whacking it savagely.
I smell the torpid fishes, dried up rivers
And detrimentally polluted ocean blues.
I feel the astrayed equilibrium in
the weather and seasons by the
Deluge and droughts, cyclones and earth shatters all extending the agonies and pangs.
The tycoons molded themselves to more bigger cheeses but the poor continued blood shed for their existence and how could these extremes create an authentic progress!
The evergreen pines are hardly visible,
And the animals lost their shelter too.
The Birds no longer have their own nests and I wonder if they would be denied of the blue skies too!
The venomous gases, fumes and smoke spitted out by the mammoth engines and wheels made him blind.
But the only culprit is 'He' himself,
My blood; The Humankind:
Breast -feded by her!
I could see this no more that I screamed;
"Why are you putting sword on my
Mother's scruff who devoted her life breath for you?"
"Why are you burning her fertile fields to futile barren ashes?"
"Why do you suck up all the mineral resources from my mom's Brest?"
"Why do you stirr up battles and scuffles with your own brothers to make her weep?"
The gunshots, missiles and nuclear bombs startled her and she responds
In the form of volcanic eruptions and Tsunamis.
Aren't you exhausted of hunting my mom this callously?
Aren't you awakened by the newer viral strains of Zika, Ebola and Covid?
Aren't you fed up with the Black, White and yellow fungus?
Aren't you messed up with the dreadful loses in your health, wealth
education and upliftment?
It's the hind most time to realize, repent and resolve.
To reduce, reuse,recycle and afforest.
To cease the global warming and
bio magnification.
To stay clean and safe by physique and Psyche.
I'm mindful that you are awaiting me,
To inject your poisonous traits and thoughts;
And to pour your insidious pricks and serpentine tricks.
My siblings: I tell of thy; if you're to
Grow up like the same blood sucking leech;
I don't want to be born in thy world
To slaughter my mom as you does!
This isn't only a warning call to save the Mother Earth as she's been,
Even accustomed to survive
without You!
But You belonging to the Humanity
who's approaching the sluggish suicide,
Could never survive without Her!
I plead you not to hesitate to save thyself and survive your own destructive nature by rushing to
Means that can recuperate our
Mother Earth!