

Evil In Us

We had believes in hope
When things changes we change too
That is going with the slope
With a tune of evil too
Like we are not too strong
To withstand the waves and dunes
We turn against light with delight
To satisfy our endless curiosities
We become enemies of our own developments
We steal peace from the pot of optimism
We cry over broken destinies
But we forget the evil lies in us
To be happy we need to create serenity
To possess wisdom we should consider sensitivity
The ability to run away from our own evil
To avoid future stammers to utter explanations
We should be stronger than the evil beneath
That works with all its breathe to create obscurity
We hate right because judgement left us
We serve darkness in trays because jalousy dwells in us
We give rotten aid because we fear success
Our heart pains failing when our assisted friends gains
For how long will we stand evil?
Making your brother be fired because you lost your job
Seeing evil is what makes our anger drop?
If we stand firm we will rise to fame
If we caress evil we will frown in a drizzle
Let wisdom be our part and freedom will cover doubt