

Whenever I sit and look closely to myself;
Every moment draws me closer.
Honestly, I am deranged but not yet,
On my left shoulder I place my right arm.
Do not be rude to me.

Whenever I sit and look deeply to myself;
I dress like I am armed but selfless,
I speak quietly but I know my worth,
I walk slowly but I know how far I have come,
For once do not be rude to me,

Whenever I sit and be myself; I free myself,
And through each strangles,
I rise with the melodies from my neck bangles
Please for the last time
Examine my beauty if you want to,
Sermon my innocence if you have doubts,
But do not be rude to me
For you do not know me.

Whenever I sit and look for eternity
Like a simple life; I had life
And with myself; I had no fairytales
I am known with a great heart of gratitude.
Obviously, like a simple song
You do not know me.

© Yaa Walker N. 2020