

Drowning Alone

Laying in bed on a cold restless night my limbs clinging and chattering like a pitch fork my heart races as my mind loses its path the sound of thunder and the lighting striking you are scared your body slowly clinging and chattering more as it goes by the wind blowing and blowing pushing down on everything in its path it starts to rain now as you are soaked and chattering you notice how the water keeps rising slowly your fear sets in as it moves up your limbs now it's to your pounding chest you can feel the current and the vibration on your chattering limbs clinging like the church bells slowly you feel it rise and rise you are fully submerged now drowning within fighting to hold that long lasting breath as you fight your head feels as it's ready to explode and within a second you take your final everlasting breathe the water fills within your lungs leaving you with nothing else your body stops chattering your heart stops pounding finally you Sink to the dark bottom all alone no one there

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