

Life and its eerie Beauties.
Life is getting unbearable,
Getting used to it in the process,
To escape is unthinkable,
It will make you think that you're in a land of eerie beauties.
The fleeting glimpses of happiness are sometimes worth it when we stay in the moment,
Generations past and present have misconstrued what it means to be alive.
The innocence of little children is quickly squashed as they learn from empty shells with an abundance of maleficent intent.
A life where the hunt for personal happiness has overshadowed the happiness of others.
Change is constant, we know... we steady work on thin ice with people we know and love so we don't get backstabbed.
To escape? the notion isn't as strange as we thought. We all know someone who knows someone that couldn't bear it anymore and opted out.
will it ever get better? I brace myself, taking deep breaths while I still can...
undoubtedly, we're in a land of eerie beauties.

© Olatunde Gbenuola