

Symphony Of Tomorrow
In a world where circuits weave our fate,
A future dawned, both early and late.
Skies painted with streams of coded light,
A symphony of progress, day and night.

Machines hummed melodies, cities alive,
Vast networks of knowledge, a global hive.
From quantum realms to stars above,
Boundless horizons, a canvas to prove.

Yet 'midst the gears and artificial streams,
A heartbeat of humanity's age-old dreams.
For as wires connected us through space,
We sought the warmth of an embrace.

Robot and human, a dance unique,
Fusion of souls in languages sleek.
In pixels and code, bridges we made,
Flesh and bytes, harmonious trade.

The past's wisdom intertwined with code,
Ethics and virtue in every node.
Though algorithms steered our course,
Empathy remained, a driving force.

In neon-lit streets and data flows,
Invisible threads of kinship arose.
For all the wonders the world unfurled,
Love and connection, the truest world.

So let us stride into this morrow bold,
A future where stories are still told.
No matter the wires, circuits that gleam,
Human hearts are the future's truest dream.


© Christine