

Those that sought
I've scoured far and wide,
sought through the world's expanse,
for perfections evasive dance.
This endless endeavor left my feet worn, blistered and sore,
traced horizons, yearned for more,
glimpsed the edges of this rugged world,
saw beauties only found behind books lore,
yet you, remain elusive to my sight.
I crafted an ideal of you in my mind,
a vision bathed in grace, a lustrous garden vine,
but on these sands I've pined,
your presence was nowhere to be found.
I painted our canvas in colorful lines and morbid hues,
a lover of words and ink-stained pages,
you claimed, they were always true.
You wore glasses, you said they made you less shrewd,
I chuckled, though unsure why,
I thought you were really cool,
how you spoke you mind,
while I couldn't figure out mine.
A smile that lined ear to ear, tears fell free,
as reality struck my cheek, a bitter decree,
our cherished times existed only in this mind,
amidst lands I've sought and faces that past,
you became my dream.

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