

The Wolf and the puppy
Shh, hush puppy don't you dare talk back don't say a word.

Oh yeah you want to talk back? go ahead and I'll personally see to it that you'll get a slap or more.

Shh, hush puppy your voice and opinions doesn't really matter here.

Hush puppy! I'm the biggest here your the smallest. I'm the wolf and you well your just a sad pup.

Hush puppy I do not fear instead I instill fear into you! I'm the wolf that makes you want to hide. Yes, it is I that makes you cry.

Hush puppy stay at ease don't get out of your place. You better stay in a straight line don't go sideways cause remember around here it only works my way.

Poor puppy it's her fault for letting him in. She's hurt, damaged, and traumatized most likely beyond repair. I'm the puppy and he's the Wolf and together we don't belong... I hope all of you enjoyed my very sad poem.

© PoeticAngel