

until it begins to collapse
until it begins to collapse


it will all work out
that's the tune that I told

my mind was fruitful
my poetry, gold

it took only a minute
for my life to turn into a laugh

It didn't get better in
the second half

it was just like it was
throughout the nation

time to forget my summer vacation

it had been a good life
I had escaped the trap

I was enjoying myself
then it all began to collapse

when I'm in bed I think about school
think about you
think how we're both fools

I wonder if we'll survive
I wonder
why I'm alive

it's a coin toss
a crap shoot
a balloon in the wind

you can start at the beginning
if you know where to begin

to the world , you're a stranger
and myself, I'm the same

we have too too solid flesh
that melts into a game

I was hoping for more
you were betting on less
we were good
we were blessed
but in a curse like the rest

you could have bet against time

you could have escaped your past

you can
enjoy your view from the bridge
until it begins to collapse

I know we'll get through this
I know that you're strong
just know that we're in it
till we hear the last song

til we hear the last minute
till we see the last day
we'll ignore the nice speeches & what
the world has to say

we're going to make it

look into my eyes.
don't we have the best message?
we don't have to think twice

it's all gone in a minute
it is what it is
we weren't promised a rose garden
and that's show biz

you were always my forever
now it's time to brave
we know we can be thankful
for all we've escaped

cut to the ending
read the last paragraph

lets watch the world become

until it begins to collapse..
© R Becker