

I was born free as a kid without a Burden within to contemplate.
And my infancy was filled with joy And fun on days sunny and rainy.
Friendship was fun and pain free.
Hurts and hates forgotten in haste
'til right and wrong in me sprout.
Then felt I a burden arising within
While I look on so helpless in pain.
Offences and hurts now imprison And control me to my own hurt.
Insults and opinions now hold me Hostage and direct my thoughts.
Then I searched again and again
Within and without for the cause
Until I discover that these burdens
Are my own making between my Two ears at rest on my naive neck.
Though blame I outside causes
I, the bearer, am the one in charge,
Making what I wish with what
I hear and see and feel without.
Take away my thinking faculty
And I will be a fun-filled kid again
Rejoicing alway like brute animals
Without a burden on my neck.
Copyright-Tony Gag (2023)
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