

In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away on dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams.
In this river of thoughts you reside,
lies the very existence of your dreams,
The possibility of being one with our achievements is much obliged,
when we gain credibility on that which we avoid.

Our dreams are a fragment of our desires,
Our dreams are wishes in plain sight,
Our dreams are aspirations put in words,
That which will inspire us to keep going.

Dreams have multiple appearances,
And they all mirror the individual personality,
We all have dreams we want to accomplish,
Whether it's real, fake or it's childish,
It's those dreams that makes part of our very being,
It's those dreams that keeps us from losing the reason for our existence.

What is life without dreams?
Is there anyone that has no dreams?
Can we really say we exist if we have nothing to chase or look forward to?
But most importantly, how do you make your dreams a reality?

© xander_60